Why These Iv Presidents?

Gutzon Borglum selected these four presidents because from his perspective, they represented the most important events in the history of the United States. Would some other creative person at that time, or perhaps a modern artist choose differently? Every bit you read more than near Borglum's choices, remember about what you might have done if the conclusion was up to you lot.

Photo of George Washington on Mount Rushmore.

George Washington, First President of the The states

Built-in 1732, died 1799. Washington led the colonists in the American Revolutionary War to win independence from Corking United kingdom. He was the begetter of the new state and laid the foundation of American democracy. Considering of his importance, Borglum chose Washington to be the near prominent effigy on the mount and represent the nascency of the United States.

"The preservation of the sacred fire of Freedom, and the destiny of the Republican model of Government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people." George Washington

Other places to learn more about George Washington:

George Washington Birthplace National Monument
The White Firm - Presidents - George Washington

Photo of Thomas Jefferson on Mount Rushmore.

Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States

Born 1743, died 1826. Jefferson was the master author of the Declaration of Independence, a document which inspires democracies effectually the world. He besides purchased the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803 which doubled the size of our country, adding all or role of fifteen present-day states. Gutzon Borglum chose Jefferson to stand for the growth of the United States.

"We act not for ourselves but for the whole human race. The event of our experiment is to bear witness whether man tin be trusted with self - government." Thomas Jefferson

Photograph of Theodore Roosevelt on Mount Rushmore.

Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States

Born 1858, died 1919. Roosevelt provided leadership when America experienced rapid economic growth as it entered the 20th Century. He was instrumental in negotiating the structure of the Panama Canal, linking the east and the west. He was known every bit the "trust buster" for his work to cease large corporate monopolies and ensure the rights of the common working man. Borglum chose Roosevelt to stand for the evolution of the The states.

"The outset requisite of a good citizen in this Republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his weight - that he shall not be a mere passenger." Theodore Roosevelt

Photo of Abraham Lincoln on Mount Rushmore.

Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the Usa

Born 1809, died 1865. Lincoln held the nation together during its greatest trial, the Civil War. Lincoln believed his nigh sacred duty was the preservation of the spousal relationship. It was his firm conviction that slavery must be abolished. Gutzon Borglum chose Lincoln to represent the preservation of the United states.

"I leave you hoping that the lamp of freedom will burn down in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a incertitude that all men are created complimentary and equal." Abraham Lincoln

To larn more about these four presidents and all the others follow this link to the White Business firm.

List of Usa Presidents with their years in part and party affiliation:

1. George Washington 1789 - 1797
2. John Adams 1797 - 1801 Federalist
3. Thomas Jefferson 1801 - 1809 Democratic - Republican
four. James Madison 1809 - 1817 Democratic - Republican
5. James Monroe 1817 - 1825 Autonomous - Republican
vi. John Quincy Adams 1825 - 1829 Democratic - Republican
7. Andrew Jackson 1829 - 1837 Democrat
8. Martin Van Buren 1837 - 1841 Democrat
9. William Henry Harrison 1841 Whig
10. John Tyler 1841 - 1845 Whig
11. James K. Polk 1845 - 1849 Democrat
12. Zachary Taylor 1849 - 1850 Whig
13. Millard Fillmore 1850 - 1853 Whig
14. Franklin Pierce 1853 - 1857 Democrat
15. James Buchanan 1857 - 1861 Democrat
sixteen. Abraham Lincoln 1861 - 1865 Republican
17. Andrew Johnson 1865 - 1869 Democrat
eighteen. Ulysses Due south. Grant 1869 - 1877 Republican
nineteen. Rutherford B. Hayes 1877 - 1881 Republican
20. James A. Garfield 1881 Republican
21. Chester A. Arthur 1881 - 1885 Republican
22. Grover Cleveland 1885 - 1889 Democrat
23. Benjamin Harrison 1889 - 1893 Republican
24. Grover Cleveland 1893 - 1897 Democrat
25. William McKinley 1897 - 1901 Republican
26. Theodore Roosevelt 1901 - 1909 Republican
27. William H. Taft 1909 - 1913 Republican
28. Woodrow Wilson 1913 - 1921 Democrat
29. Warren Grand. Harding 1921 - 1923 Republican
xxx. Calvin Coolidge 1923 - 1929 Republican
31. Herbert C. Hoover 1929 - 1933 Republican
32. Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933 - 1945 Democrat
33. Harry S. Truman 1945 - 1953 Democrat
34. Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953 - 1961 Republican
35. John F. Kennedy 1961 - 1963 Democrat
36. Lyndon B. Johnson 1963 - 1969 Democrat
37. Richard Chiliad. Nixon 1969 - 1974 Republican
38. Gerald R. Ford 1974 - 1977 Republican
39. Jimmy Carter 1977 - 1981 Democrat
twoscore. Ronald Reagan 1981 - 1989 Republican
41. George H. W. Bush 1989 - 1993 Republican
42. William J. Clinton 1993 - 2001 Democrat
43. George W. Bush 2001 - 2009 Republican
44. Barack Obama 2009 - 2017 Democrat
45. Donald J. Trump 2017 - 2021 Republican
46. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. 2021 - Democrat

Last updated: May 23, 2022